The idea of keeping a blog is both exciting and daunting. Will I keep up with it? Will I be interesting? Will anyone ever read this? My answer to all the above is quite is OK either way. I would love to have followers but then again am I prepared to bare my soul to others? I guess I will have to wait and see...
I have called this The Front Porch Library because two of my favorite things in life are my front porch and books! Granted living in Michigan there are definite restrictions to front porching unless you are an Eskimo but I like to think the remaining months make it all worthwhile. We live in an old rundown farm house, not the quaint ones that you see in the magazines but a real life one with far too few electric outlets, no chance of ever having central air, lots of drafts, creaky wonky floors and...a certain character. We have far too much stuff but that is a post for another day. The library is another one of my favorite spots. I have been a bibliophile since I was a young girl and I have recently started patronizing it faithfully since giving myself a challenge not to buy any new books (except with gift cards) for a whole year!!!! Now, let me state here that I will still go to used book stores, library sales, trift stores and yard sales. I have learned a lot about myself during this challenge...I am an impatient reader to be sure! I am also a bit obsessive about reading series. Thanks to my dear friend, Cat I have become a huge fan of cozy mysteries. But when I begin a series I NEED to read the whole series!! This is where my library has saved me...I can request all the books online and usually I have them as I am ready for them :-)
So...The Front Porch library has opened for business...welcome and get comfy. I'll brew a pitcher of sun tea and perhaps will even have a cookie or two waiting for you.
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