Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday night on the porch...

would be quite wonderful if it weren't so darn hot and sticky!!!! What is up with Michigan's summer this year?
Two weeks until my back surgery and I am getting quite antsy about it. Perhaps because I know what I will go through afterwards having just done it a year ago...the 6 long weeks in a hard, unforgiving, inflexible cervical collar. Not being able to turn my head, totally wash my hair (OK...I did cheat and take it off long enough to wash my would have done it, too!!), not being able to sleep without an Ambien...the list goes on and on. However, I am choosing tonight to be optimistic. I know I will finally be rid of this neverending pain, tingling and numbness. Not being able to totally function as I wish...the pain is what gets to me. It effects my entire life and my family's life...
Keeping with my optimistic leanings...I won a contest this week!!!!! I regularly read a wonderful blog called Mystery Lover's Kitchen. The recipes are to die for and I love seeing the other sides of some of my favorite authors. Well, this week they are celebrating their first anniversary and each day give away a cooking prize. On Tuesday I not only got a great recipe for pork ribs but I also won a barbecue grill set!! Sweet thanks again to Elizabeth :-)
I need to look further into expanding my blog horizons...fear of failure is my biggest fear. But I stateed before I will not let it stop me!!!
I have my first follower...the aforementioned Elizabeth, author of the new release Delicious and Suspicious. Go buy it...preferably from a real bookstore in your neighborhood!! If that isn't possible...go ahead and hit up borders or Barnes and Noble. After all...Borders is a Michigan based company :-) If all else fails get thee to Amazon...get a real book in your hands, one that you can put a cool bookmark in, carry in your purse, even dogear the pages...GASP! But buy a a book and share what you read. There are readers everywhere who go to the library, seniors who don't have the finances to indulge, hospitals, shoot even our local jail regularly asks for contributions! READ...READ...READ

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